OMG you guys!!!

So I got my YSL's and I'm thinking of debuting them this weekend. They are even HOTTER in person (although they are also more stripper-like in person too)!
I think they are like, borderline fetish shoes cause they're so dang high.

I am loving this bright yellow sole thing it's got going on too! I had no idea it was like that. There was also a turquoise bottom, but that was without the ankle strap.

What do you guys think??

New Balance 576 "20th Anniversary Pack"

Pünktlich zum 20. Geburtstag, und nicht ganz weg von den Olympischen Spielen, veröffentlicht New Balance das "20th Anniversary Pack", bestehend aus einem goldenen und einem silbernen 576.
Sowohl auf der Zunge, als auch im Inneren des Schuhs, wird darauf hingewiesen, dass es sich um eine Sonderausgabe zum Geburtstag handelt. Eigentlich ganz cool. Blöd nur, dass Nike den Air Max 1 "Olympic Perforated Metal" in gold uns silber bereits vorher draussen hatte. Da hätte NB ein bisschen schneller sein müssen. Dennoch ein cooler Schuh und zu bekommen bei Overkill.

Puma First Round X SC List Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz steht für Surfen, Skaten und Kalifornien. Und Kult. Jetzt gibt es darum zusammen mit Puma, den Puma First Round X SC List Santa Cruz. Ein Tigermuster auf blauem Untergrund und der für Santa Cruz typischen Hand. Dazu als Kontrast viel rot in Schnürsenkeln und den Seiten sowie an der Ferse. Statt dem sonst zu sehenden Puma-Logo auf der Ferse, ist wiederum das Santa Cruz Logo zu sehen.

Adidas Torsion Collection

Das System Torsion von Adidas ist richtig 80's. Und da die 80er seit einiger Zeit wieder groß im kommen sind, gibt es von Adidas auch wieder diesen Kultschuh. Allerdings in angemessenem Design für 2009. Denn die Schuhe werden erst ab Januar 2009 im Handel erhältlich sein, z.B. bei Overkill. Sneaker aus der neuen Torsion Serie wird es in hoch und flach geben. Persönlich gefallen mir die Hohen besser. Daher hier Bilder der hohen Sneaker für Weiblein und Männlein.

NES Is Going To Paris...

At the beginning of December, the Hairy Drummer and I will be away for le weekend romantique a deux in Paris. Now this means two things. One, a dilemma already on what to pack and two, shopping.

More specifically, shoe shopping. Following from my sojourn to London Town and the heady heights of the Shoe Department in Selfridges, I've been formulating a plan. If I save a bit each month then by the time I get to Paris, I should be able to afford a pair of those gorgeous, coveted, lusted after Louboutins.

Can it be done? More than likely. Can I decide which pair I want? Not a hope in hell. Which is why I want you, dear reader to aid and assist, this woman with her child in a candy shop experience. Each week I'll be presenting a possible candidate to you and the one with the most votes will win*!

* Obviously dependent on how many pennies I've saved and my own particular whim on the day!

Nike Air Max 90 Hamburger

Und noch ein Kunstprojekt von Nike. Wieder durften sich einige Künstler an verschiedenen Nike Modellen austoben. Dabei entstanden ein paar wirklich kreative Sachen, wie z.B. der Nike Air Max 90 Hamburger des Schweden Olle Hemmendorff. Aus 8 Lagen entwarf er den Burger, der bis ins Detail dem Nike Air Max ähnelt. Ein absolutes Kunstwerk der Fingerfertigkeit ist der Käse, der den Rahmen des Schuhs bildet und gleichzeitig den Swoosh bildet. Zu schade zum essen. Aber bevor er schlecht wird...

The Wellington...

So I'm sure you all know that the wellington is going to be HUGE this season, even in places like California where they're as impractical as Uggs in the summer. How often does it rain her? Like 5x a year?

Anyway, It seems like every brand is doing them, so you'll have lots to choose from. There's everyting from the plain and traditional and the young and extreme. You'll see all kinds of wacky prints and colors.

I personally love these plain wellys from Marni. I love the navy color. It's a nice go-with-everything look without being boring black. You can find them at Browns for about £85

Nike Dunk High NBA Pack

Zu Ehren der NBA Teams gibt es demnächst das Nike Dunk High NBA Pack. Drei Mannschaften werden hier gefeatured: die Chicago Bulls, die Phoenix Suns und die Chicago Bulls. Im Gegensatz zu Adidas, die vor kurzen eine NBA Edition aller Vereine für den Adidas Superstar entwarfen, kommen die Sneaker aus dem NBA Pack in eher zurückhaltenden Farben. Es wird auch kein Logo der Vereine zu sehen sein. Aus meiner Sicht vielleicht ein bisschen zu zurückhaltend.

Nike Air Jordan Force Fusion 3

Hier gibt es die ersten Bilder vom Nike Air Jordan Force Fusion 3, der demnächst erscheint. Das Obermaterial ist leinenähnlich, beige, umrandet mit dunkelbraunem Muster und dunkelbraunen Schnürsenkeln. Ziemlich cool setzt sich dabei das blaue Jordan Logo auf der Zunge und der Ferse ab. Auf jeden Fall ein ziemlich gelungener Nike Air Jordan.


Please don't. That's all I can say about this boot. PLEASE do not.
It's not cute. It's not funky fresh. It's fugly.

Well... maybe for a clown hooker costume? Halloween is sorta close.

No. Never mind. Just don't.

Nike Dunk - Back To School Scribble

Als Nachfolger der Back To School Serie kommt nun der Nike Dunk "Back To School Scribble". Das Obermaterial ist bemahlt, als ob eine malwütige 4. Klasse einer Grundschule wild drauf losgelassen wurde.
Der Swoosh und die Sohle sind dafür aus sauberem, leuchtendem gelb. Dem Schuh werden auf jeden Fall zukünftige Trageflecken nichts ausmachen. Wann und ob der Sneaker auch in Deutschland erhältlich sein wird, ist fragwürdig.

Nike Dunk - Going Green Exhibit

Das "Going Green Exhibit" Pack wurde von Bespoke Sneaker Gallery designed. Alle Designs haben etwas mit der Farbe grün zu tun. Es gibt den Nike Dunk Low Slimmer, den Nike Dunk High Joker und letztlich die Double Dare Dunks als rotes Team und blaues Team. Double Dare ist übrigens eine Kindersendung aus dem amerikanischen TV der 70er Jahre, in der zwei Teams gegeneinander angetreten sind.
Insgesamt sind die Farbkombinationen super cool. Nur beim Joker gefällt mir persönlich das "rote Lächeln" des Jokers auf dem Sneaker nicht.

MAGIC, Pool and Project Trade Shows...

It's that time of year again! I am so thankful that I no longer have to participate in MAGIC. I know a lot of people love it because it's in Las Vegas, and there are super fun parties every night, and all your industry friends are crowded in one place... but that's exactly why I hate to go. You're supposed to be there working but all you can think about is how much fun the parties are going to be- and then you don't want to go 'cause you'll be dead tired the next day but EVERYONE is going.

Phew! Even talking about it makes me tired.

Anyway, my husband is there- pimping himself out with his new business cards in tow. He's hoping to get some graphic design freelance work. Check him out! He's BEYOND talented. I am biased of course, but I knew how talented he was before I was in love with him. ;)

Presenting: Harajuku Lovers Fragrance!

Have you guys seen/smelled the new Harajuku Lovers fragrances?? They are SO cute and smell yumm yummy!

There are 5 different fragrances to represent each of Gwen's Harajuku girls, (Love, Lil' Angel, Music, and Baby) and one to represent Gwen herself. (called "G", Gwen's sent is a coconutty smell and is my favorite)

They're all as sweet smelling as they look and come in 2 sizes- both with the dolls as lids. I saw them at Nordstrom yesterday, ir you can find them at, here.


For those of you who don't read the comments- I thought this may be of interest.

Anonymous said...

If you design the shoes, what exactly does she do beside have her name attached? Does she give you ideas and then you go with it to create shoes?

My answer is this...

Well, to be clear- I don't design LAMB, I do Harajuku Lovers.
The way it works is that Gwen gives us design direction and inspiration and is really specific about what she wants to see. Then we go off and design the lines and bring her samples and she corrects, changes and approves the designs. 

She is really involved, because she wants to be. Yes, she isn't TECHNICALLY designing the shoes, but I think it's in the same way that Marc Jacobs works. He doesn't design his shoe line either you know... but he is involved. You may or may not be surprised to find that many designers don't do the brunt of the design work. Once they hit it big they hire us to do it for them. ;)

Gwen's Really Rockin These Shoes...

So at Titan Industries we get updated on all our editorial credits for each line in various magazines...
Well I can't help but notice that we've gotten like a dozen of Gwen in this sandal in all the different colors.

It may be obvious to you guys... like- well duh! Of course she wears her own shoes.
Well, yea guys. It should be that obvious, but most of the time it's not. Look at Jennifer Lopez for instance. Or Jessica Simpson. Do you ever see them rocking their own shoes? No.

So I just want to say that I think its SO cool that Gwen really backs her own brand and product. It makes me proud to be a part of her whole deal. It shows that she really has an interest in it and that she's not just slapping her name on things to make a buck.

I heart Gwen Stefani. ;)

Reebok Court Victory Pump

1989 trug ihn Michael Chang auf dem Tennisplatz. Damals war die Pump-Technolgie einfach beeindruckend. Jetzt ist der Pump wieder seit einigen Monaten auf dem Vormarsch. Die Farbkombination ist irgendwie Old-School, paßt aber super in die heutige Trendwelle von extrem farbfreudigen Schuhen. Sieht nicht nur auf dem Tennis-Court hammer aus...
Jetzt im Overkillshop zu bekommen.

Nike Boneyards Terminator

Zwischen Nike und Stüssy gab es in der Vergangenheit bereits mehrfache Kooperationen. Gerade erst auf der Solemart habe ich selber einen Nike Stüssy Court Force ergattern können.
Jetzt gibt es zur Boneyards Serie von Stüssy und Neighborhood einen Schuh von Nike. Den Nike Boneyards Terminator . Er kommt in drei Farbkombinationen heraus, in schwarz, blau und weiß. Jeweils mit weißer Sohle. Auf der Seite steht Boneyards gedruckt und das Logo mit zwei gekreuzten Ankern. Der Nike Swoosh ist diesmal nicht aufgenäht, sondern nur gelocht. Das Obermaterial ist eine Mischung aus Glatt- und Wildleder.


Ok, so this is my newest obsession. Her name is Kukula and she is SO stinkin' talented. I'm a huge fan of her paintings and the way she paints these adorable soft feminine girls. 

In my opinion, she's the best thing to come around since Fafi, and I hope to own one of her pieces soon.

I love  her attention to detail. I can tell she's a shoe lover because she always paints the cutest shoes on the girls. It's usually the first thing I notice when I see her stuff.

Anyway, here is her website link. Check her out- I know you'll love her!

Anchors Away!

How cute is this!? I couldn't help but get one for my dog. So adorable!! Trixie + Peanut has some seriously cute things for dogs, you should check it out for sure.

I can't wait for my sailor inspired Harajuku Lovers shoes to match Banksy's new harness!! Can you imagine? Ugh- I wanna barf already! We'll be so cute together. haha

You Wanna be a Stylist?

I LOVE crappy reality shows. The cheesier the better. I love the drama, the competition, and the crazy characters that make fools of themselves.

Well here's a show that fits the criteria! Glam God on vh1. It's hilarious, and has all the ingredients to make a lovely batch of tacky goodness. 

The show's about aspiring stylists fighting to get the title of Glam God. The stylists have challenges where they dress models to see who is the best at styling for each given situation. There are so many strange and dramatic people on this show, as you can imagine. Get a bunch of eccentric fashion people in one room and who knows what'll happen! Id' say that so far Handry is my favorite contestant. He's some kind of Hispanic and has the best accent ever. Think Birdcage... Very flamboyantly gay. Very dramatic.

And speaking of flamboyantly gay... Vivica Fox hosts and is the closest thing to a gay man without being either gay, or a man.

Anyway, I'd say this show is worth checking out if you like mindless TV. Thursdays on vh1 :)