
Did you notice that I changed the name of my blog from "The Shoe Girl" to "Confessions of a Shoe Girl"?
Well, I did. So don't be confused. 


A Shoe Storage Suggestion...

These clear plastic shoe storage boxes are my new favorite way to store my shoes. My old favorite way was my 300 sq ft shoe closet in my condo, but that is obviously not an option anymore.
These are easy to stack and see-through, so it's easy to see what's inside without digging. 

You can get them in packs of 20 for $35.80 (or 1.79 a piece) which is a great deal! 

Please ignore the totally heinous shoes they photographed inside the box. They obviously aren't "shoe people". 


I saw these RUPERT SANDERSON boots while browsing net-a-porter and thought they were very interesting. They remind me of like, a black opened up shirt with a white shirt underneath. Is that weird? haha

I think these would look really sexy on the foot and the effect of the two layers would probably make an ankle look smaller. I love this trend of oversized booties, a-la-YSL. I think its a great silhouette for Fall and I want to try one out.

I went to the YSL store and tried their oversized shaft bootie and it was to DIE for. Too bad the price would cause me to miss a mortgage payment. They are super sexy as well.

*ysl image thanks to theshoegoddess.com

Nike Sportswear Dunk High "Lakers"

Die Nike Dunk High "Lakers" sind schlicht aber sehr cool. Einfarbig blau, mit gelben Schnürsenkeln, weißer Mittelsohle und der coolen durchsichtigen Untersohle. Eigentlich hätte der Swoosh noch gelb sein können. Trotzdem ein gelungener Schuh. Der Sneaker soll irgendwann nächstes Jahr auf den Markt kommen.

Nike Blazer High Premium - Game Select

Der Nike Blazer High Premium - Game Select ist der zweite Sneaker aus der Game Select Reihe, nach dem Nike Air Force II - Game Select.
Der Blazer besteht aus schwarzem Leder, wobei die Mittelsohle braun-schwarzem Holzpanel nachempfunden ist und die Kappe vorne aus komplett schwarzem Holzpanel. Eine rote Naht an der Aussenseite gibt den kleinen Farbtupfer. Ein recht eleganter Schuh.

America's Next Top Model: Nobody Does Crazy Better

So I'm starting ANTM 10 from Episode 2 because let's face it, Episode One is always a maelstrom of screaming and crazy. The only notable thing from it was Her High Priestess Of Fierce! Miz Tyra Banks' demented turn as a prom queen. It was awesome, words can not do it justice.

This season has relocated to an actual city of fashion, swapping the gaudy LA trash scene for the actual fashion of NYC. The usual suspects are there - the Plus Size, The Bitch, The Alt-Bitch, THe Kook, The East European. And as ever, Mr and Miz Jay.

To be honest not an awful lot happened. Fatima (who is a spit for Iman) and Marvita clashed, revealed hardships and made up, an uninspiring Times Square set Badgley Mischka show revealed none of them can walk. The photoshoot was supposed to represent the hardships of being homeless seeing as HHPOF! had been homeless for a day for Her Other Show. To behonest, it seemed kinda crass and didn't provide any good photos.

The bombshell was saved for judging when Kim, a preppy blonde, admitted to the judges that she didn't care about fashion.

Think about that. Given that a lot of importance is placed on knowing about designers and fashion not only in the show but in general for models, she pretty much signed her exit papers. Miz Jay looked like she might faint, Tyra got mildly angry and sent her home. Atalya was the one to get booted normally - pretty but commercial apparently.

Whatever. Most importantly, there is now a weekly fix of Noted Fashion Photographer Nigel Barker. Which is surely worth getting through a Monday for.

Next week: Makeover. Oh the dramz....

Oh Posh...

She'll do anything for fashion. Check out these crazy heel-less boots!
When reader Elaine sent these in I thought maybe they were a joke. Maybe someone photoshopped the heels out?

Nope. These Antonio Berardi PVC boots are the real deal. $6,000 worth of PVC in fact. (PVC is a type of plastic- not leather- sometimes called pleather) I can't imagine that wearing over the knee PVC could in any way be comfortable. There's NO breathability to this fabric at all. Maybe she uses them as a weight loss tool? Who knows. If you look closely though, you can see "fog" on the outside of the boot from her sweaty sweat. Ich.

Crazy?? I think so. I can walk in some pretty high heels, but these? I kind of doubt it. Point, set match- Posh. Congratulations bitch, you have David Beckham and crazier heels than me.  

Nike SB ‘Boba Fett’ Dunk High

Was haben der Bösewicht aus Star Wars Boba Fett und Nike SB gemeinsam? Richtig! Einen Schuh! In der neuen Nike SB Kollektion, die in den nächsten Monaten veröffentlicht wird, kommt der Nike SB ‘Boba Fett’ Dunk High heraus. Für alle Star Wars Fans ein absolutes muss. Der Sneaker orientiert sich an den Farben der Rüstung von Boba Fett und kommt in grauem und schwarzem Leder, mit grünem Wildlederobermaterial, gelber Zunge und grauer Mittelsohle. Einfach fett, wie der Name schon sagt.

Creative Recreation Herbst/Winter 2009 Teil 2

Nachdem wir nun schon kurz über die kommende Herbst/Winter Kollektion berichtet haben, gibt es gleich noch ein paar Bilder mehr. Und siehe da, es gibt doch noch ein paar farbenfrohe Modelle, so wie wir es von Creative Recreation gewöhnt sind.

Nike Air Force 1 Mid - Freddy Krüger

Ich bin immer wieder begeistert was es für coole Custimzed Sneaker gibt. Hier wieder ein extrem cooles Paar, welches zur bevorstehenden dunklen Jahreszeit passt: Nike Air Force 1 Mid - Freddy Krüger.
Besonders viel Spaß machen die vielen Details, wie z.B. die Streifen des Pullovers von Freddy, die Blutspritzer, oder auch das Motiv auf der Zunge. Haben wollen!

Nike Dunk High Premium GS - Halloween

Pünktlich zu Halloween gibt es ein neues Pack: das Nike Halloween GS Pack. Aus dem Pack im speziellen den neuen Nike Dunk High Premium GS - Halloween. Komplett in schwarz, mit orangener Sohle und vielen kleinen Augenpaaren von Fledermäusen. Obendrein leuchten die Schuhe im Dunkeln.

Nike SB Oktober 2008 Neuerscheinungen

Im Oktober werden wieder ein paar neue Nike SB Sneaker veröffentlicht. Einen Blick könnt ihr hier auf die Modelle werfen. Dabei sein werden ein Gold Rail SB Dunk, ein P-Rod 2, ein Blazer Low und ein Zoom Tre A.D.

High Heeled Art

Happy Saturday people! I'm super exhausted from last night and I have no idea why. I didn't have as much as a sip of alcohol! We went to Detroit Bar and this little gay bar called Tin Lizzie Saloon. It was a fun night that ended in greasy Mexican food.

So a while back this guy Mark Schwartz sent me a link to his website that features his artwork, and then last week fellow blogger Tokyo Bunnie sent me his link. I figured it was time to talk about him. His website is called highheeledart.com. There are some really interesting paintings in there, all of shoes and boots. Check it out! This one on the left is on of my favorites.

The Dangers of a Sushi Lunch...

My friend Sheva and I just went to my favorite local sushi place, Full Moon, for some yummy lunch. We also got our IQs knocked down a few points. I am now stupider because of what I heard.

SO there was this loud mouthed lady sitting near us at the sushi bar talking "politics"... LOUDLY. She was one of those obnoxious people who compensates for her lack of knowledge on a subject by projecting her voice as loud as possible so everyone around her is forced to listen. 
She started her conversation off with the traditional chiché statement "You have to get out and vote guys!" (talking to the two men she was eating with)

With that remark Sheva and I rolled our eyes at each other and laughed a little.

Then she want on with more blanket statements like "All I know is I'm not voting Republican!" and "We need a change. Obama is all about change"
Ya lady, I have a TV as well. 

Then came the killer. "If McCain was going to have a woman vice president why couldn't he at least have picked Hillary!? At least her daughter isn't pregnant!" 
to which her friend replied "Well, they're from different parties, so..."
and SHE said "Well that would sure make a statement!"

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! From that point Sheva and I just couldn't take it anymore. We rudely laughed out loud and finished the rest of our lunch as fast as possible, loudly quoting the Miss Teen USA speech. "Such as the Iraq and everywhere such as." (if you dont know what I'm talking about PLEASE check this clip out- it's amazing.)

Just thought I'd share. 

Guess What I Did...

Well is that a hint? hahaha
That's lucky pair #13. Let's see if it brings me any luck? If nothing else they'll make my legs longer and any outfit sexier.

I knew that having a Louboutin boutique so close would be a problem... I just didn't think it would affect me so fast. 

C'est la vie! The life of a shoe girl.


Check these heels out! They're... well, just heels. I don't know who's runway show this is but I just thought you guys would get a kick out of it. My friend sent me these pics- I'll try to find out who they're from.
I think they look pretty bad ass- although not at all wearable. I think they're meant as more of an artistic statement than a fashion statement. I mean, I doubt the designer expects us to walk the streets sole-less. Right?? haha- then again, who knows. Designers are getting crazier and crazier. 

***UPDATE- These are from the Aminaka Wilmont runway show. Thanks to reader Lindsay for that info!!

I Can't Believe I'm Doing This...

I bought a pair of FitFlops. Let's call it research. I debated on whether or not to tell you guys about it, cause I feel like they're only a few steps up from Crocs, but I just can't keep things from you guys! haha. Plus I don't plan on wearing them out or anything crazy like that.

I bought them not for their claim that they tone and shape your legs, I'll just assume that that's bullshit and if it does, I'll consider it a bonus. I bought them because I've read on many a blog that they do wonders for lower back and knee pain. Pain I have from the sky high heels I wear. Plus, Oprah listed them as one of her favorite things for Summer, and when is Oprah ever wrong? 

So we'll see. They shipped yesterday so they should be here within the next few days. I'll wear them around the house and let you all know if they really make a difference. If you want to try them out or read their user feedback, go to their website, HERE

Don't give me too much shit for them either, this was not a fashion decision, it's strictly a "my-back-effing-hurts-and-I'd-like-to-continue-wearing-heels-for-as-long-as-possible" thing.

New Boots!

Looky looky! I just picked up these motorcycle boots by Frye at Bloomies, and I love them. They're a lot more masculine than what I usually wear but they look great with a pair of skinny jeans and a loose fitting american apparel v-neck. They're super comfy too, just slide them on and go. 

The best thing is that Frye is known for their boot making and for their boots lasting forever. So even at $375 (which I think is a GREAT price for a boot) its a total steal. 

They're very Kate Moss-ish don't you think?

Aiken:"Yes, I'm gay!" Us: "Yea, no duh."

Congrats to Clay the gay Aiken for finally coming out. It's not like we didn't already know... but I'm glad he's finally admitted it. He joins Lindsay Lohan in the "recently outed" celeb list.

CSS live @ the Mayan!!

Last night Ben and I went to see CSS (Cansei de Ser Sexy) at the Mayan theater in LA. They were SO amazing!! The lead singer was so rad- jumping around in all her neon body suit glory. 

The stage was filled with balloons on strings and at the end they lowered a giant disco ball which got the guy next to me very excited. People were dancing and singing along, gay dudes were making out all over the place... it was quite an event. 

For those of you who don't know about them you should definitely check them out. The singers voice and Brazilian accent is the cutest, and their beats are impossible to sit still to.
Here's their Myspace Page

TV Time...

Ok, so I have finally caught up with all my shows on tivo that I missed while I was in China. I have a few things I'd like to talk about.

1- 90210. I changed my mind. I don't like this show. I don't know if it's because it's getting even cheesier or if it's because I now watch Gossip Girl which is SO much better in every sense of the word. Better clothes, better acting, better script. Also, I'm glad US Weekly talked about the fact that these girls are anorexic and need to eat a damn cheeseburger. 

2- Glam God. OK Viv, sweetie? Seriously, what is going on with the wigs?? I took a picture to further illustrate my point. This looks like a dead animal on her head. Yuck.

3- Gossip Girl. I'm all caught up and I am obsessed. Love it!

4- Rachel Zoe Project. I wont watch it. She is horrible and annoying and even watching the previews gives me idiot shivers. 

5- Project Runway. This season is on the boring side I'm afraid. Even with the under talented "Suede" referring to himself in the 3rd person and the tanorexic coke head Blane, there's not a lot to hold my attention. 

6- The Hills. Shoot me please. I know you all saw the salary list. That boring bitch LC is making $75 g's an episode? WTF?

That's it I think. Are there any shows you guys are watching that you think I need to see? 

Nike Air Max 90 Premium QS "Shagmeister Pack"

Das Nike Air Max 90 Premium QS "Shagmeister Pack" sticht durch seine Farbkombinationen richtig gut hervor. Inspiriert wurde es wohl durch den Film Austin Powers und deren flippigen Farben. Dafür finde ich die Schuhe zwar noch zurückhaltend aber trotzdem ziemlich cool. Mir persönlich gefällt der Grüne mit der türkisen Sohle am Besten. Erhältlich ist das gesamte Pack z.B. im Overkillshop.

Nike Dunk High - I Love Paris Customs

YoaKustoms ist ja bekannt für die aufwendig gestalteten Sneaker, wie z.B. beim letztlich veröffentlichten Nike Dunk Custom "Big Bad Wolf". Der jetztige Nike Dunk Custom Sneaker beschäftigt sich mit Paris. Das Motto "I Love Paris" ist eine Auftragsarbeit. Um den gesamten Schuh ist das U-Bahnnetz von Paris zu sehen. Immer wieder finden sich die französischen Nationalfarben wieder und auf der Innensohle ist der Eifelturm dargestellt. Wieder eine sehr gute Detailarbeit.
Wenn ich das so sehe, müßte es doch eigentlich auch mal einen "I Love Sneakers" Custom Schuh geben!

Air Jordan 1 Phat Low

Der Air Jordan 1 Phat Low steht mal wieder ganz im Retro-Look der Air Jordans. Der 1 Phat Low wird in zwei Farbkombinationen erhältlich sein: in weiß/grau/zement und schwarz/grau/zement. Wann der Schuh allerdings auf dem Markt erscheint ist noch etwas ungewiss. Man munkelt irgendwo Ende September. Beide Paare werden als Limited Edition vertrieben.

So I'm Still Kind of a Rookie...

I don't totally know what I'm doing still, so please bare with my ghetto blog. You can now subscribe to my blog and get emails whenever I post new content. Exciting, right?? haha
Its over there on the top left of the blog. I hope you'll do it!

Thanks everyone for reading and commenting and for all the nice emails!!


It's coming...

So guess what I did today. I went into my garage and pulled out my 7 or so large packing boxes filled with shoes (well, technically my hubby did the heavy lifting) and started taking pictures! 

Yup... that's right, I'm finally getting rid of all my old shoes and putting them all up on ebay. I'll post the link here as soon as I have them up. They're going to be pretty cheap and there are definitely some cute shoes in there. Don't judge me by the ugly ones though... we all had our moments in ugly shoe history.  ;)

OH! and I'm an 81/2 so there are sizes 8-9 in there.


So my friend and I were hanging out with our hubbies last night and they decided to watch some Sunday night football. Yuck. We took off and headed over to South Coast Plaza for some shopping. 

It was fun, but we were just killing time. Then it happened...

I saw a sign that said Christian Louboutin boutique. 3rd floor Penthouse.

WTF? How is it that I hadn't heard of this? I felt a strange mix of excitement and disappointment. Excited, because I now have a Louboutin boutique in my very own hometown. Disappointed, because I like to think of myself as an in-the-know kinda girl, especially when it comes to fashion and even more so when it's about shoes! I know... get over myself, right? haha

Anyway, so we ran upstairs and it was true. There she was- big bright and beautiful. The brand new Christian Louboutin boutique in all its glory. I didn't have my camera with me and I can't find a picture on the web, so the pic I took with my blackberry will have to do for now.  Go see it for yourself though- it's so pretty.

I met the manager, Amita Singh, a sweet and sassy fashionable girl who totally gets my obsession. She's been collecting Louboutins for 5 years. I could tell from our brief conversation that Amita and I have a lot in common and when she mentioned "re-merchandising" her shoe closet I knew I found a friend. haha!

So if you're in the area go check it out. They're the only place in South Coast Plaza that you'll find the red-soled wearable artwork. Friendly sales people and great shoes. Perfect.