Happy Halloween!

Some of my costume choices throughout the years...

This picture is so amazing. It sums my sister Katie and I up perfectly. She was always the cute little tomboy while I was always a girly girl. :) I love my sister so much!

If you ask me how I knew Ben was the one I may show you this photo. We took this after dating only 3 months or so. We look so much like the real deal that people often ask if this was us in high school. HA!

Pee Wee and Miss Yvonne ♥

80's Jazzersizers!

Last year we dressed as Wayne and Garth. I think we did a pretty good job.
I dressed as Lady Gaga the next night and danced in my kitchen with my best friend Christie who was maybe dressed like a robber...?

Oh and let's not forget the good old days of being young and single. Yes... even I did the slutty ____ costumes.

A slutty witch for example.

Or how about a slutty bee?

Or if you have an excuse like going to the Playboy Mansion, you can just be a girl in lingerie. Why not??
Ron Jeremy liked it

Hope you all had a fun and safe Halloween!!

Dress Up Dolls

When I was in New York I went to Barneys and was really excited when I saw this. Hand made rag dolls dressed in couture inspired outfits!
The dolls were so beautiful and the dresses were really like miniature versions of the real deal. Hand made with beautiful fabrics and all with unique hand painted faces.

 The McQueen ones were some of my favorites. I love the floral gown... so pretty.

 This one reminds me of Gaga

The original Nina Ricci dress that inspired the doll

So cool. Check out the artist's website for more info if you want. He even makes custom dolls if you've got the casholla!

I'm a big fan of dolls. I think I played with my Barbies until I was 13 or 14, secretly of course. I collect and customize Blythe dolls which I don't think I've ever blogged about, but if you check out my Flickr, you'll see my girls on there. :)

Here is one of my favorites. I cut her hair and changed her eyelashes and re-shaped her lips by carving them. I also painted her makeup and her eyes and changed her clothes.



Adidas Superstar 80s x Def Jam

Und wieder gibt es ein neues Modell aus der Zusammenarbeit von Adidas und Def Jam. Diesmal ein Adidas Superstar 80s aus rotem Wildleder und schwarzen Streifen. Die typische Superstars Kappe ist weiß. Ein absoluter Klassiker und derzeit z.B. im HHV Selected Store zu bestellen.

New Balance 577 x Limited Edt

New balance und Singapore's Top Sneaker Addresse Limited Edt haben zusammen einen New Balance 577 entworfen. Angeteasert wurde diese Koop bereits vor einem Monat. Nun sind die ersten Bilder des Schuhs erschienen, der tatsächlich sehr gut gelungen ist. Der Schuh kombiniert Glatt- und Krokoleder in dunkler Farbe mit türkisenem Innenfutter, Schnürsenkeln und Untersohle. leider wird es von diesem Schuh nur 180 Stück in einer linitierten Ausgabe geben. Wahrscheinlich wird der Schuh Europa nie erreichen. Schade.

Nike SB Dunk Hi "Iron Man"

Nike SB bringt diesen Herbst wieder einen Dunk heraus, der durch einen Superhelden inspiriert wurde. In diesem Fall handelt es sich um den metalischen Iron Man. In den Farben des Kostüms ist auch der Schuh gehalten, nämlich in rot, gelb und schwarz. Das Obermaterial besteht aus Wild- und Glattleder und macht den Schuh zu einem Highlight.

Reebok PT-20 Hi x Hello Kitty

Zum 35. Geburtstag der Japanischen Figur Hello Kitty gibt es nun eine Kooperation mit Reebok, zu der mir nur ein Satz einfällt: "Oh mein Gott". Ähnlich wie der Adidas Schuh "Teddy Bear" von Designer Jeremy Scott, kommen auch die Modelle der Reebok Kooperation in weichem Plüsch als Obermaterial. Dabei gibt es den Schuh in weiß, pink und schwarz. Das sich dafür die Mädels in Japan begeistern werden ist klar. Ob auch bei uns ist völlig unklar, bzw. unglaubwürdig.

New Balance 1300 Made in UK

New Balance bringt uns einen neuen New Balance 1300 Made in UK. Die aktuelle Version begeistert vor allem durch die Farbgebung. Der Schuh besteht nämlich aus dunkelgrauem Wildleder, helgrauem Mesh und blauen Akzenten an Logo, Schnürsenkel, Hacke und Ferse. Ein absolut gelungenes Stück und schon bald bei uns zu haben.

Shoes At the Museum

We had a little down time in London and decided to pop into the British Museum before the shops opened. 

I, of course, was interested in the shoes... So I scoped them out.

The Ancient Egyptians seemed to favor the thong sandal. Is it just me or does this look totally phallic? Long and skinny. HAHA

Maybe they had such long flat feet 'cause they didn't have proper arch support?

They painted their yucky sarcophagus (mummy holders) really beautifully, including details like bejeweled sandals.

They even included the soles of the shoes on the bottom. I think footwear has always been important... even before taste was invented.

Cleopatra was there!!

She looked frumpier in person. Stand up straight Princess!

Blech. Mummy feet. I do like the ankle detail though.

Ancient Egyptian jewelry...

Apparently they even made kitty mummies. 

Ancient Roman warriors fought barefoot?? Crazies. 

These look like ancient Crocs. No thanks.

Caeser limited edition dunks.

The Ancient Greeks were way ahead of their time... Look out Rumi, this is a serious body chain! ;)