America's Next Top Model: Nobody Does Crazy Better

So I'm starting ANTM 10 from Episode 2 because let's face it, Episode One is always a maelstrom of screaming and crazy. The only notable thing from it was Her High Priestess Of Fierce! Miz Tyra Banks' demented turn as a prom queen. It was awesome, words can not do it justice.

This season has relocated to an actual city of fashion, swapping the gaudy LA trash scene for the actual fashion of NYC. The usual suspects are there - the Plus Size, The Bitch, The Alt-Bitch, THe Kook, The East European. And as ever, Mr and Miz Jay.

To be honest not an awful lot happened. Fatima (who is a spit for Iman) and Marvita clashed, revealed hardships and made up, an uninspiring Times Square set Badgley Mischka show revealed none of them can walk. The photoshoot was supposed to represent the hardships of being homeless seeing as HHPOF! had been homeless for a day for Her Other Show. To behonest, it seemed kinda crass and didn't provide any good photos.

The bombshell was saved for judging when Kim, a preppy blonde, admitted to the judges that she didn't care about fashion.

Think about that. Given that a lot of importance is placed on knowing about designers and fashion not only in the show but in general for models, she pretty much signed her exit papers. Miz Jay looked like she might faint, Tyra got mildly angry and sent her home. Atalya was the one to get booted normally - pretty but commercial apparently.

Whatever. Most importantly, there is now a weekly fix of Noted Fashion Photographer Nigel Barker. Which is surely worth getting through a Monday for.

Next week: Makeover. Oh the dramz....

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