America's Next Top Model: Season 11 Episode 6?

Ok so I missed the non dramz of the makeovers (how disappointing was that?!) and I missed last week due to work and then The Hairy Drummer claiming remote rights so he could yell at Arsenal (damn not having Sky+ yet...) so I think we're up to Episode 6?

So all I know so far is that SuperBitch Clark won the photo staging last week and is acting all smug and bitchy about it. Marjorie is still whining about not being confident whilst the others put a brave face on it and SuperTransexual Isis got the heave-ho.

For the first challenge, Paulina appears in some hideous granny outfit and finally admits what we all know - ANTM produces catalogue models, not top models. So the girls have to put on outfits that are too big for them and they have to tuck and pin to make them fit in order for Paulina to assess if they can even make it as a catalogue model. Most people kind of get the point apart from Samantha who completely changes the way the clothes are supposed to look. Null points.

Paulina and Majorie had a moment where they had a Europe against the US view of confidence and nerves and apparently Paulina explains Marjorie's European sensibilities perfectly. The winner of the challenge got 50 extra frames and it was McKey, our lil cage fighter who looked better before the makeover.

Back at the house and Marjorie and Samantha argue over Marjorie's lack of confidence. Blah blah blah. They can't even argue convincingly!

The photoshoot this week is about disasters. As in natural disasters or something. So quite why Mr Jay is dressed as some kinda Godzilla meets Predator is unknown...

Sheena managed to lose the hooch - she's improving.

SuperBitch Clark was not good. Mr Jay was getting annoyed with her.

Joslyn looked awesome in her outfit but it was unclear if her photos would look as awesome given that she was being a bit, well, rubbish.

McKey managed to convey the sultriness of a heatwave quite well indeed. Mr Jay was suitably impressed - the judges less so.

The rest were in between blah and no one apart from maybe Elina is standing out at the moment as a definite winner.

The bottom two were SuperBitch Clark and Joslyn. Joslyn was saved by having a nicer personality than Clark. Ouch.

And I'm sad to say but ANTM is boring me a bit this season. There's a certain predictability to the editing and there's nowhere near enough Miz Jay. And I miss Janice. I hope she pops up in a future episode to remind us all how fabulously demented it was with her.Justify Full

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